vineri, 28 octombrie 2011

Shits don't happen every time...

Like I always say: "There's always an exception which make the rule".  It isn't neccesarly right, but for me it's a way to say: shit doesn't happen all the time. I'm an optimistic person and I am sure that on one day, one moment, we are just lucky. I read Murphy's law and I love them 'cause are so ironical and true and pesimistical. Yes, shits happen and we know that, but why to say that and don't do anything ? We should try, we should be a lil bit optimistic. Sometimes, it's not good enough to be just realistic.

I had a lucky Friday. A lot of shits could happen, but they didn't. It was awesome. Of course, I had days more awesome than this, but comparing with the last week, it  was something. I won't specify what happened, 'cause I don't want. Anyway, sometimes I think I'm not a lucky person, but I keep smiling and be happy. This is life, we have just one life and we should try to smile every day and I'm sure we'll be happy at the moment.

It's like falling down. When you fall down you stand up and keep walking. Life goes on. You just have to find what things that cheers you up and keep goin'.Past is past, present is present and future is just the future.

joi, 26 mai 2011

"Sometimes, I don't act like I'm 17"

I'm not happy when I'm argue with somebody.
Lately, I said a lot of bad things.I insulted some persons. Sometimes, I did it because they annoyed me. But sometimes I did it with friends, persons I care about. I did it unaware.I'm not proud .
By the way, I didn't mention that when I say "insulted" I mean I say something and from what I said come out that they are stupid, or they are unfelt etc.
I like to say right what I feel, being onestly, direct. But I'm afraid I will be rude with persons who are closer to me than others.First time, maybe they will forgive me,but next time I don't think they will be like afore. I must be more careful with them.I must think before saying something.Maybe that's the reason for why I'm saying :"Sometimes, I don't act like I'm 17."

marți, 12 aprilie 2011


We started with a hug
We carried on with a kiss
Then you felt in love with me.

You said you like me
You said I'm your star
You said I'm your dream girl
You said you love me.

Strange is that even if I'm not in love with you
It does matter that you lied to me...

joi, 24 martie 2011

What did I lose?

Consider ca Valentine's Day e o sarbatoare aiurea.Ok, poate pentru americani nu e, doar pana la urma e sarbatoarea lor.Nu inteleg noi de ce am imprumutat-o ca avem dragobetele.Anyway, cu prieten fara prieten refuz sa sarbatoresc aceasta zi.Mi se pare de cacat pomana.Cu ce ar fi mai speciala aceasta zi?Cu nimic.Pot arata iubitului/iubitei ca o iubesc in orice zi.Pot sa-i fac cadou oricand.Pot s-o scot in oras in fiecare zi.Pot sa-i dau ciocolata zilnic la fel si perne in forma de inima(care de altfel mi se par stupide,dar asta e doar parerea mea)

sâmbătă, 12 februarie 2011

About how you feel...

It's sad when people you know become people you knew.
When you arrive somewhere and everybody had forgotten you, even if some day in the past you were their everything
How you used to be able to talk for hours with friends and now you can barely look at them.
How you used to disloge your friends and have a good time together.
When they tell you that you are gorgeous after you've said you're ugly even if they know you are right.
When they were telling  you that you are their everything and that you keep them together and then when you moved out of your apartament they've forgotten you.
How you used to believe everything of these and you think that you are the one of the most important people for x's life.
How you have realised that you are off one's base about what you were thinking.
Times change, but changes tell us who we are.

joi, 10 februarie 2011

Bewildered dream

Zi plictisitoare de sambata in care nu aveam altceva mai bun de facut sau aveam dar lenea e mare, decat sa ma plimb prin cele 6 canale tv abia vizibile din cauza furculitei prost asezate.In cele din urma dau peste o emisiune( care imi propusesem de mult s-o urmaresc),Romania, Te iubesc !. Sincer, mi se pare o emisiune foarte faina si mult mai interesanta decat Stirile de la ora 5. Nu de alta, dar m-am plictisit sa aud: "X se insoara pentru a5a oara !!" ...asa si?/:) eu nu ma marit..big deal...; sau "Y l-a botezat pe printul Charles ! mama a nascut o printesa;;)...;sau "Z e fiica lui Labis !" culmea ca toti copii isi descopera in mod miraculos tatal abia la moartea acestuia mai ales daca are si bani. si as putea continua la nesfarsit.
Revenind la oile noastre.Ceea ce am vazut la Romania, Te iubesc ! m-a speriat, usurat si socat.Toate pe rand.Era vorba despre niste cazuri de malpraxis.Acum sa le luam pe rand.M-a speriat pentru ca eu vreau sa fiu medic, si faptul ca se poate intampla ca eu (ametita cum sunt deobicei) sa gresesc uneori poate fara sa vreau ci doar din cauza ca n-am aparatura necesara.M-am usurat (pentru maxim 2 min) cand am vazut politica din scumpa noastra tarisoara.Dupa 3 ani, rudele pacientului sau chiar el isi ia banii, eu nu-mi pierd nici din bani...nici  slujba.Dupa care am fost socata cand am realizat prin ce trece un om intr-un asemenea caz.Persoana care ii este draga moare din cauza medicului, il da in judecata, primeste niste bani(dupa ani de zile) din care mai mult de jumate se duce la avocati, medicul profeseaza in continuare si-l doare in 14 de cele intamplate, rudele victimei nu sunt ascultate de nimeni, sunt invizibili, victima este in continuare moarta.
Unul din cazurile prezentate era despre o femeie gravida care avea tahicardie ce le interzicea medicului sa faca anestezia respectiva.Medicii nu s-au uitat peste analize, sau au aruncat un ochi la vrajeala peste foaia cu rezultatele analizelor.Prin urmare femeia a nascut, dar a murit.Sotul ei a dat in judecata medicii si abia dupa 3 ani a primit vreo 45,000 de euro, iar doctorul profeseaza in continuare.Pentru mai multe detalii apasati aici. Pe acelasi site puteti gasi si pedepsele pentru malpraxis in alte tari :).

marți, 8 februarie 2011

Where's the respect?

Stiu ca nu sunt sfanta, si ca uneori nici eu nu respect pe cei din jur, dar de multe ori o fac involuntar nu cu buna stiinta.In ultimele zile, am patit sa stau de vorba cu un prieten, coleg si o persoana, desi vedea ca vorbesc cu respectivu, venea si se baga in discutie,uneori cu un alt subiect paralel, ca avea si el ceva sa-i spuna.E chiar enervant ! Macar de ar spune la inceput: "Lasa-ma te rog, sa-i spun ceva".Nu, unii oameni n-au auzit de maniere.Macar de ar fi involuntara toata chestia asta.Si eu ma mai bag peste altu, recunosc, dar de multe ori ma opresc cand imi dau seama,poate imi cer si scuze,alteori ce-i drept nu-mi dau seama pentru ca sunt prinsa atat de tare in subiect incat nu realizez, DAR astea se intampla doar cand fac parte din discutie, cand stiu despre ce se vorbeste, nu ma bag asa ca musca in lapte.
Eu una, incerc sa-mi remediez acest "obicei",si atrag atentia si altora, dar unele persoane mai tare se enerveaza si zic ca am ceva cu ele.Mie una, mi s-a zis si nu m-am suparat, ba chiar m-a pus pe ganduri,poate chiar m-am simtit putin aiurea fata de acea persoana pentru ca m-am bagat peste ea de atatea ori.
In orice caz, daca va stiti in situatii de genu, remediati problema ! Nimanui nu-i place ca altcineva sa se bage peste el...

miercuri, 2 februarie 2011

How were babies born ?

A little boy goes to his father and asks ‘Daddy, how was I born?’
The father answers: ‘Well son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway!
Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe.
We sneaked into a secluded room, where your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive.

As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said:

You got Male!

Si tiganii au "gugal" :>

Pai cum ei n-au voie sa faca "ce vor muschii lor"  pe "gugal" ? Si pentru ca nu stim "inglis" sau "germaneza" scriem si noi dupa cum se aude ;)).

Nu credeti? Click  here.:))

duminică, 16 ianuarie 2011


Ecouter.Voir. Gouter.

Courir.Aller. Conduir.





